Monday, September 30, 2013

Power Breakfast Focuses on School Consolidation Effort

"It has often been said that the road to success in every community runs by the schoolhouse.  Strong schools attract economic development, perhaps more than any other single factor.  We have an opportunity through this process to move our schools from good to great.  Starkville can become much more attractive to companies and individuals looking for a place where they can thrive.  And businesses already here will grow and increase investment in Starkville as we strengthen the quality of public education."
Those are the words of Rex Buffington, a member of the Commission on Starkville Consolidated School District Structure, speaking about the importance of the upcoming school consolidation effort for the Starkville community. The Commission was created by the Mississippi Legislature in House Bill 716 as a vehicle for allowing local constituents to work with the Mississippi Department of Education in formulating recommendations for how the new school district will be structured.

On Wednesday, October 2, Buffington will make a presentation about the Commissions work during the Greater Starkville Development Partnership Power Breakfast. Michelle Jones, president of Parents for Public Schools of Starkville, and Jeremiah Dumas, vice president of PPSS, will also be speaking in an effort to keep the GSDP membership informed about this important process for our community.

The GSDP has long held education as one if its top priorities because of the impact a high-quality public school system can have on economic and business development efforts. Dumas echoes those priorities, and plans to highlight the financial impacts of the consolidation process during Wednesday's breakfast presentation.

"A review of the public school system is one of the first steps in the community asset review process done by any company looking to locate in a community. Physical assets such as infrastructure are attractants that might qualify an area, but an educated work force and a quality school system for the employer's children are the assets that seal the deal," Dumas said.

"A consolidated district that affords the County the same educational opportunities as those currently found in the city will break down growth barriers that have been identified, and will allow for expanded growth and development in the County," Dumas continued.

Wednesday's Power Breakfast is presented as part of the Partnership's Blue Ribbon Business Resource Series sponsored by Hilton Garden Inn. The series is aimed primarily at providing Partnership members with valuable information about important community issues and successful business practices.

The first Power Breakfast of the Fall 2013 schedule will also include remarks from Michelle Jones about the work of Parents for Public School as advocates for quality educational opportunites for every child living in Oktibbeha County. Jones will also outline PPSS' leadership role in unifying parents and constituents behind the goals outlined in the organization's Pledge to Our Children.

"I hope to increase understanding of just how important this is to the future of our community and to encourage business leaders to be at the forefront of helping make sure we get it right," Buffington commented.

"By fully engaging in the process, the business community can help shape the plan for the expanded school district. The business community can also play a key role in elevating understanding in the community of the importance of high quality schools. There will also be a big role for the business community to play in supporting implementation of the plan."

The work of the Commission and the plan created for the expanded Starkville Consolidated School District is expected to have support from the Mississippi Legislature and the Lieutenant Governor's office as well as broad impact as a model for other school consolidation efforts across the state. We invite Partnership members to join us for Power Breakfast on Wednesday at 7:30am at Hilton Garden Inn to get informed about the consolidation efforts and the impact to both the business environment and the community in general.

Non-members are welcome for $25 per person. Please RSVP to Donna Williams at 662.323.3322 or

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